Coaching Centre: Licensing And Registration Norms in India

Coaching Centre Licensing And Registration Norms in India
Coaching Centre: Licensing And Registration Norms in India
With the ever growing population there are various hitches that are faced by Indians on a day to day basis. The main concern that lies with an average parent is whether their child would be able to crack the entrance exam of their interested stream. With the growing competition between the students, the examination boards have no other option but to raise the bar with respect to the difficulty level of the test to ensure that the top students are selected for enrollment in their colleges.

Every student has the ambition to do his best and obtain the highest possible score. However, this is not an easy task and, in most cases, not achievable without support and guidance of an experienced and knowledgeable mentor.
Coaching Centre Registration Essentials
Coaching Centre has become an integral part of the education system in India. The popularity of coaching institutes has seen an increase of 35% over the past five years.
It is estimated that about 95% of the high school students take up coaching classes for most of the subjects.
Shops And Establishment License For Coaching Centre
Each of these business structures have their own form of registration requirements but an aspect that remains common to all three forms is the Shop and establishment license which is given by the inspector of that area.
All businesses are required to be registered under the Shops and Establishments Act with the inspectorate of that area. This must be done within a month’s time of setting up the business- subsequent to which a statement is to be issued to inspector.
This statement that you send to the inspector will contain-
- Name of the employer,
- The name and address of the business including the Postal Address,
- Category of business,
- Number of employees employed,
- Date on which the establishment commenced business.
Procedure To Open Computer Centre How to Register (Process) Computer Institute Computer Center-Institute Franchise-Affiliation
what certifications are required to set up own computer training institute?
Ways/Process/Procedure/Requirements to Start Computer Education/Training Centre/Institute in India:-
• Computer Education Centre Area Selection: First of all you have to select location for opening computer education centres. Your computer education centre or Institute location should be nearby School, College, ITI & Coaching Centres.
• Building Requirements for Computer Education Institute/Centre: After selecting the location, you have to take low cost building on rent (if you do not have own building). Building carpet area should be at least 1000 Sq. feet. Which should be divided as follow: Theory room area 300 Sq Feet, Computer Lab Room area 400 Sq Feet. Reception Room Area 120 Sq Feet, Centre Director Room area 100 Sq Feet. Common Room Area 80 Sq to register a computer institute